13 Desember, 2012

Puisi Perpisahan bahasa Inggris

hai..hai kali ini aku mau posting tentang puisi perpisahan bahasa inggris saya punya nihh ...  (y)

Assalamualaikum wr. wb

     Let us pray praise and gratitude to Allah SWT which on this occasion we can all come together in good health robbal amin yaa 'alamin.
     Ladies and Gentlemen, allow me to introduce myself my name is
(nama kamu) will represent my friends in order to convey the message of separation.
     Does not feel we've been here (berapa tahun kamu berada di sekolah)..
     All the wonderful stories here will only be a piece of memory in the future. Someday we will surely miss the good times like this.
     Do not forget we are also very grateful to our teachers who have taught us the meaning of a struggle to get to the real life. Without teachers, we're nothing.
     Hopefully what we get here can be a science that,
insyallah, will benefit the homeland, nation, and religion and most importantly, useful to ourselves. Amien.
     And hopefully this separation is not the end of everything.
     So much from me.
     Wabilahitaufik walhidayah wassalamu'alaikum wr.wb

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